Welcome to YouReport.com!
Welcome to YouReport.com, the ultimate way to view, organize and share all of the items in your digital world - including News Feeds, Photos, Videos, Music, Widgets, Searches, Notes, Websites, Documents and more! Our name - YouReport - says it all. YouReport lets you easily create your own personalized report that contains your entire digital life. Every component of your digital world can be included in YouReport by simply selecting and arranging blocks of information within your online YouReport environment. And the best part of all - because the YouReport system is fully web-based, YouReport can be accessed from any computer or any device - anywhere in the world - so all of your digital items are always immediately available to you! And you can even share your YouReport pages with your family and friends!
Here's how it works: Each piece of content within YouReport is contained within a block. A block sits on a YouReport page. You can add all kinds of cool and useful blocks to your YouReport pages, including news feeds, photos, videos, music, widgets, searches, notes, websites, documents, friends, and saved clips of your favorite stories and information. Each block can be picked up and moved to any other location on the page. Each block is smart, and will automatically snap into place in whichever column you put it in, and the other blocks around it will even move down to make room for it!
YouReport will also remember all of your information for you. If you logout, and then login again later, YouReport will remember all of your blocks, and where they are displayed on your page. Even if you login on a different machine, YouReport will remember and display all of your information.
Within YouReport, you can add as many blocks to a page as you like, and you can create an unlimited number of pages!
To get started with YouReport, you can quickly add great pre-made pages of content to your report by simply clicking on the blue “plus” buttons next to any of the pages listed in the Pages Tool on the let side of the screen. You can add as many pre-made pages as you like!
Next, you can create your own new page by clicking on the “Click Here to Create a New Page” button within the Pages Tool. Enter a name for the new page, and a new blank page will be created with three columns. You can now start adding blocks of content to your new page!
To begin to add some YouReport blocks onto your page, first click on the “Feeds” button in the main toolbar to display the Feeds tool within the left tool panel, then simply click on the checkbox for any news feed shown on the left side of the screen, and the information from the feed will appear within a block on your YouReport page. On your new "News Feed" block, you can do all kinds of things. You can click Next and Prev at the bottom to see additional news stories, you can hover the mouse over any headline to see more information on that story, you can click the arrow to the left of the headline to expand the story, or you can click on the headline itself to link to the original story. If you click on a headline, the original story will be opened in a new browser window, so you can easily return to your YouReport page that will still be available in its original browser window.
You can drag and drop any block by clicking and dragging on the block header. You can also close any block by clicking on the [X] in the upper right corner of the block. If you close this Welcome block, you can always add it again to your page by clicking on the "Welcome" link in the top menu bar.
This is a Preliminary Beta version of YouReport.com. As time goes on, additional features will be steadily introduced, so check back often! More detail on the history and current feature set can be viewed in the About YouReport.com block, which can be seen by clicking on the "About YouReport.com" link in the top menu bar. Also, a step-by-step guide to getting started with YouReport is available in the Getting Started block, which can be seen by clicking on the "Getting Started" link in the top menu bar.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at info@youreport.com.